Had the weekend off from the shop since Rich was out in So Cal, so I hit up the first Saturday night IMI Flat-Track races last week just North of Denver.
Rode the FXR out there and caught a few of the races before slingin' drinks that night....
If you live in the Denver area, get out and support these guys, $10 to get in... usually starts around 6p.m. and ends between 9 and 10p.m.
BanginBarsPromotions runs the show if you need any more info.
Tonight in Denver, Viking music from hell. Got some free tix, but PBR is throwing a bash for my bar, so I can't make it. These guys seem to enjoy head-banging, heavy metal, and the fact that the new Thor movie is coming out soon...
Two years ago, Irish Rich and I took off for the first Hippie Killer HoeDown. Driving through the night, we got to Kutty's around 5am the day of the event. We parked the car out front, and passed out.
It was a wild day in Kutty's backyard filled with bikes, rods, beer, racing, and bands.
Tomorrow, Rich takes off for So Cal without me. As much as I'd love to go, I gotta make some money before I get my bike squared up and take off on trips the next 6 months. Rich will be kicking it in the California sun all weekend, if you see him, say hello.
This event is a good time with a lot of good people and it's gotten bigger each year(event is held at a different location now) - swing by this weekend if you're in So Cal.
Kutty's backyard Back and to the right of this picture was the tent area, right next to an oval dirt-track. With 3 hours of sleep and a day filled with drinking, I passed out in my tent before most - with guys ripping around the track til late hours of the night. I remember thinking one of them was going to ride off of the track, right over my tent. The WhiteWalls
Pretty sure the cops stopped by a few times that night?
You know you're doing a good job of having a party when the heat shows up...
I've had this footage for almost two years now. Its been put together, taken apart, lost, found, transferred, put back together and smoothed out as well as I could. This was my first trip shooting video, so it was rough putting it together, but I hope it does him justice.
July 2009 Through Frank Kaisler and Wes from Four Aces, Irish Rich and I were allowed into Mike Parti's life for one unforgettable afternoon...
Irish Rich and I started our day by riding over to Frank Kaisler's house. Most days out in Southern California either have us starting out at Frank's, or meeting him at a local diner for breakfast. It's great. The first time I hung out with the two of these guys, I told them I could sit and listen to the two of them talk for days. I consider myself pretty damn lucky to call these guys friends and get the chance to hang with them.
We met up with Frank and went for a ride over to Four Aces Cycle to get Wes. This was our first trip to Four Aces and my first time meeting Wes and the guys at the shop. So, we hung out for a little while, checking out the projects they had going on, then followed him over to Mike Parti's.
Once we got to Mike's, he had us sit with him in the backyard while he told us story after story. Then, he took us into his motorcycle room. Yes, room...filled. It was hard to believe you could fit that many bikes in one room. On the other hand, most of the models he had in there weren't much bigger than bicycles.
From there, he brought us into his shop, which had some of the most ancient equipment I had ever seen. Everything Mike owned had history to it.
An amazing experience.
Thanks again to Wes, Frank, and especially, Mike Parti...
Got a compressor yesterday and all of this came in the mail these last few days. Just a few more things I have to get before I'm set to start carving away at some metal. Have a hone on its way, picking up some opti-visors from harbor freight, and the vise I want is on back order - so, gonna have to make due with something else in the meantime.
CJ's class set me up with everything I needed: -the techniques and tricks, as well as where to get the tools I was familiar with
If your interested in learning this art, check his classes out(his blog link is on this page) - might be just what you need to get going. It helped me out a ton...
Bikes, art, women, music, alcohol, guns, and a lot of riding...
Grew up around bikes and have been in love with them since I can remember.
I work with Irish Rich in the Denver area and travel on my chop whenever I get the chance...